Everyone knows, no good day without good nights! Whether you are a child or an adult, a good night's sleep is necessary to have the energy to spend a good day. With babies, the penalty is clear: if they don't sleep well, they are immediately grumpy the next day!

To improve your child's daily life, we are going to help you identify all the elements that could affect the quality of his sleep.

The elements that disturb baby's sleep

The main enemies of baby's sleep are often very basic. Don't look for complicated answers, ask yourself simple questions:

  • Did he eat enough? Indeed, if your child's last meal (or bottle) is not enough for his stomach, he will tend to wake up several times during the night. This is quite normal for a newborn who needs to feed every 3 or 4 hours, but from 4 or 5 months of age, he should be able to go a whole night without a bottle, as long as he has eaten enough before going to sleep.
  • Thirst can also wake up children during the night, especially in the summer when it is hot, but also in the winter when the air in their room is dry because of the heating. For children over 8 months old who are starting to eat solid foods, remember to give them enough to drink before bedtime. For older, more independent children, leave a bottle of water by their bed.
  • Babies' sleep can also be disrupted by a variety of pains. The most common pain during the first few months is colic. The child wiggles his legs and twists around, can't fall asleep or wakes up with a start. Colic can sometimes be alleviated when children are cradled on their stomachs in their parents' arms, and it can also be improved by using an inclined plane that raises the child's upper body and thus improves digestion.
  • Finally, dental pain can appear very early, some children have their first tooth at one month (and some are born with teeth!). To reduce these pains, homeopathic medicines can be used without danger, but you can also offer a necklace or an amber bracelet which often allows to improve the comfort of the infants.

How to act positively on the sleep of baby?

  • Limit the changes of rhythm: the toddlers need marks, it is thus important to make them always sleep in the same room and in the same bed. Be sure to establish a bedtime ritual: bath, nursery rhyme, cuddle and sleep for example. Doing each step calmly and always in the same order will reassure your child, soothe him and help him fall asleep.
  • Try to reduce emotional insecurity: baby always needs to be reassured, especially by his parents. The need for love and physical contact with his parents is as important to him as eating and drinking. Even after a day of work, don't neglect cuddling with your child, he needs it and you may find that it is also beneficial against parental stress!
  • Limit anxiety at home: Babies feel every emotion in the house, so it's very important to make sure there isn't too much stress in the house.
  • Constant parental intervention can interfere with children's sleep. Don't stay in the room when your baby is falling asleep, and if you hear noises in your child's room, don't intervene. When babies fall asleep, they often make uncontrolled movements, they startle, their breathing may be rapid and noisy, all this is normal, you must let baby fall asleep on his own without intervening.