For some infants, bedtime is a very painful time. Saying goodbye to Mummy and Daddy can be difficult for some babies, so they don’t want to sleep in their cribs.

Don’t panic, this is a common occurrence for many babies. There are many reasons for this and there are solutions. 

Kadolis, the sleep expert for toddlers, explains why baby doesn’t want to sleep in his bed and how to get baby used to his bed.

The reasons why baby doesn’t want to sleep in his bed

To understand why baby doesn’t want to sleep in his cot, it is important to know the reasons. There are many reasons for this and they are often not serious.

Fear of abandonment and separation

The main reason why baby doesn’t want to sleep in his bed is because he has a fear of abandonment. As your child becomes self-aware, fear of separation from parents may arise. 

This usually occurs when your baby reaches 8 months of age, when he or she begins to be self-aware. At this age, the refusal to go to sleep in the crib can therefore occur for this reason.

To counteract this, you can set up bedtime rituals to reassure your child before he or she falls into the arms of morpheus.

Baby has just had a nightmare

Few parents can count themselves lucky to have a baby who sleeps through the night. Indeed, the sleep of infants is often quite agitated. As their sleep is long and deep, there are many sleep phases, especially REM sleep.

As a result, nightmares can be frequent. After these, the baby needs to be reassured and the need to sleep with his parents is felt. When nightmares are common and recurrent, you may want to consider that your baby is suffering from night terrors.

When a nightmare occurs, having your baby sleep with you all the time is not a good habit to get into. Instead, check on him and reassure him until he falls back to sleep peacefully.

Baby is tired  

This is a phrase we often heard as children, and it is true. When baby is tired and the intensity of the day is reduced, crying and screaming can occur and baby may not want to go to bed.

To avoid this, monitoring your baby’s sleep cycle is essential. It is important to ensure that your child gets enough sleep during the night and that baby’s naps are sufficiently numerous and long.

Baby is not comfortable in bed  

The final reason why baby doesn’t want to sleep in the cot is because of the cot itself. If your baby does not feel comfortable in the bed and in the room, the chances are high that he or she will not want to sleep.

It is therefore important to create a calm and soothing environment in the baby’s room. The most important thing is to make sure that baby is comfortable on the mattress. A good baby mattress is essential for a good night’s sleep and for baby to feel comfortable in bed. The texture of the bed linen can also be a barrier to comfort.

Sleeping with your baby: Good or bad idea?

When a child or baby does not want to sleep in their own bed, many parents decide to have their child sleep with them. Although this is an effective solution at the time, sleeping with your baby is not a good idea. There are several reasons for this:

- There is always a risk of crushing and suffocating the baby or child.

- Sleeping with your baby can have a long-term impact on your relationship.

- If baby sleeps with you every time he feels unsafe or wants to sleep with you, it becomes a habit and it will be even harder for baby to find his bed afterwards.

How do you get baby used to his bed?

As briefly explained earlier, in order to know how to get baby used to his bed, the answer is in two words: habit and environment.

The first thing is to establish bedtime rituals with your child. A story, a song, a night light or a dream catcher, the possibilities are numerous. The important thing is to create a real bedtime routine with baby so that it becomes something normal and reassuring.

Finally, the baby’s room and bed should be carefully monitored. Baby should feel comfortable in both. To do this, choosing a good baby mattress and good sheets is essential to ensure your baby is comfortable in the bed and wants to sleep there more.

Opting for a Kadolis baby mattress and fitted sheet: the best choice for baby’s sleep

It is common that baby does not want to sleep in his bed. As you have seen, there are many causes of this problem, as well as solutions. Among the latter, the choice of mattress and bed linen is essential.

Opting for a Kadolis baby mattress is the best thing you can offer your baby. Made entirely of natural materials and guaranteed free of chemicals, it ensures the best comfort for your baby and takes care of his health. 

Finally, choosing to cover your baby’s bed with our organic cotton fitted sheet and our waterproof baby mattress cover also provides your baby with unparalleled comfort and the assurance of a good, dry night’s sleep.